
Jot It Down

One of the most powerful self-care steps you can take is to embrace the art of journaling. You might feel like dismissing this, but before you do, take a look at a few facts.
 Studies Have Shown: People who journal experience better moods. Journaling helps to reduce stress. Regular journaling is an effective tool to …

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Visualizing My Goals

I have always believed in visualization. In the past, I created a dream board. The images were cut out using magazines. Now I go to the internet and take images from google search and add to my word doc. Another way to visualize

Writing Personal Goals

To achieve my goals, I followed this format; Moving towards pleasure. In other words, what I wanted not what I didnt want. For example: I want to weigh 165 vs. I want to lose 20 pounds I used metrics. My weight before was 185 and my goal weight was 165.